Parent Portallog in to the MDCPS parent portal
Grading PolicyAccording to state and district regulations, all grades reflecting student performance will be averaged quarterly and submitted as a progress report or report card document. Grades are available for viewing on the student and parent portal 24 hours a day.
PERCENTAGE GRADE 100 – 90 A 89 – 80 B 79 – 70 C 69 – 60 D 59 and below F Classroom PoliciesRULES & CONSEQUENCES
While at school, all children will be required to follow a set of class rules to ensure a safe and educationally rich environment. Failure to comply with class rules will result in consequences. EXPECTATIONS
EFFORT Effort grades are given in number form 1(outstanding), 2(average), or 3(insufficient). They are earned by:
CONDUCT Conduct grades are sent home daily on the agenda and must be signed by a parent or guardian. Every student begins each day on an A. CommunicationAgenda - Please sign daily to acknowledge
KLE Website Monthly Calendar Connect Ed calls Parent Portal Teacher Email ([email protected]) ([email protected]) Remind App |
KLE appDistrict Homework PolicyThe School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida recognizes regular, purposeful homework as an essential component of the instructional process in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Homework is an integral factor in fostering the academic achievement of students and in extending school activities into the home and the community. Regular homework provides opportunities for developmental practice, drill, the application of skills already learned, the development of independent study skills, enrichment activities, and self discipline. Homework should provide reinforcement and extension of class instruction, and should serve as a basis for further study and preparation for future class assignments.
Teachers will be responsible for: 1. Teaching independent study skills 2. Making specific assignments 3. Checking, reviewing, evaluating, and/or grading student homework, according to the teacher's individual methods, in keeping with a system that is clearly explained to the class 4. Giving feedback on homework assignments in a timely manner 5. Making instructions related to homework clear and providing, when necessary, a short period of supervised study or a period of questioning to insure that the students understand the assignment 6. Assigning students homework that includes at least 30 minutes each day devoted to reading. Students will be responsible for: 1. Completing assigned homework as directed 2. Returning homework to the teacher by the designated time 3. Submitting homework assignments which reflect careful attention to detail and quality of work 4. Devoting at least 30 minutes to reading as part of the homework assignment Parents/Guardians responsibilities include: 1. Indicating an interest about assignments and assisting, if possible, when requested by the child, but not to include performing the work for the child 2. Supporting the school to home communications by signing the agenda daily. 3. Assuring that students read for a period of at least 30 minutes each day in addition to any other assigned homework . Testing Dateswill be posted when they are available.
What students must learn in 4th grade |
Parent Volunteer / PATKLE needs you. Apply online to get volunteer number. Please update your online volunteer application each year. Volunteer numbers are needed to chaperone field trips. If you cannot volunteer time consider joining PAT.
School SuppliesPlease replenish school supplies as they run out.
These items are always welcome in our class : liquid hand soap Lysol spray baby wipes tissues paper towels copy paper dry erase markers fruit candies for treats LunchPlease complete lunch applications as soon as possible. Check student balances often to ensure they have enough funds deposited.
Attendance- Excused early means students still miss one class
Students are expected to arrive to school on time and be picked up after school on time. Students are to be counted in attendance only if they are actually present for at least two hours of the day or engaged in a school-approved educational activity which constitutes a part of the instructional program for the student.
Make up work only needs to be given when a student has an excused absence. A written statement from a parent or healthcare provider must be received by the teacher. MDCPS school board defines excused school absence as: * Personal illness of the student * Medical appointment of the student * Death in the immediate family * Observance of religious holiday * Subpeona by law enforcement agency or court appearance by the student * Outdoor suspension * Significant even with prior Principal approval Visit the KLE parent handbook Traffic
Parking- Please adhere to signs and designated staff parking areas.
Pick- up Lanes- These are drive through lanes. Please do not park your car. Please be mindful of children during pick up. |