This page is dedicated to the 2011-2012 school year. Pictures taken by our class journalists are archived here.
I just took a piture I am as happy as a dog when he gets food. It looks intresting like a skunk stinking up the place. This picture is about last years skills and I could use it to be so smart that I could do reading in 15 min and do math less than a hour. I can be smart like a cheatah and thats why I took this picture.............
The reason I took that picture because It encourages me when I'm stuck or when I try to help others like my friends and my family when there stuck.
WOOSH that’s my imagination! It seems that dragon likes to read just like me. So were friend that’s cool I’m friends with a dragon. I will be the coolest kid who reads. Reading is cool because there a lot of cool facts. And the people who is struggling you should read a book .
When I look at the school of fish and I see myself I imagine like one day I woke up in the ocean looking like a fish getting ready to go to school. My next reason is when other students look at our wall they feel like if they are floating like fishys looking surprised like, "Oh my gosh, How did I do this?" Why I also like my photo is because when I think about my picture I get new imaginations. I think differently than I am supposed to. I also like my phote becasue when ever I am feeling down, lonely or under the weather I just look at the picture and it makes me realize there is no reason to feel boue. Finally, I also appreciate our picture of school of fish in a way that makes me feel creative with imagining creative thoughts of whatever I have to do.
The Frog king is so cool and important too. It gives me memories of the movie Princess and the Frof. It is funny and cute. The frog is important because it saves us from bugs. God made frogs for a reason. Why? I do not know.
Rawr! Rawr! If I could really talk, I would say that this is quite the amazing class. I enjoy protecting Ms Arocha's desk from intruders on a daily basis all the while benefitting from the joys of being an honorary fourth grader. There is always something new happening in room 211 and you never know when my services will be required because these fourth graders are a wily bunch. This picture is just one quick snapshot of what I see when I'm at my post.
WOW! There are lots of trophies. Why did I pick this picture because these trophies have won many years ago. Some students have wan these trophies like “BEST STUDENT” or “STUDENT OF THE MONTH”. Some teachers and staff have won some trophies too. Like “TEACHER OF THE YEAR” or “BEST STAFF”. These trophies are in case because so burglar won’t steal them. These trophies are very, valuable. When I saw the trophies, I saw a THE FAIR trophy and is at huge as a Mrs. Arocha desk. I wish I could have a trophy. That’s why I took this picture.
"Say cheese"... click. This picture of Mrs. Lacayo reminds me about 3rd grade. Mrs lacayo was the best teacher. If we got an answer wrong she will just go over it . Mrs. Lacayo is like a clown. That is why I took this picture.
With all excitement I would like to share that the picture I took represents to me how much I love doing homework and studying for a test. Like a sunshine to our days this picture inspires me to accomplish in life all the hard work I have done. Every day these words "do what you love and love what you do" are like magical words to my brain that helps me to be a better person and be smarter.
Imagine that the tiger was really playing sports. I took this picture because I love P.E. P.E is fun and good for your heart. I also like P.E because on Fridays we get to play with our friends. P.E is fun and that is why I took my picture.
I took the picture of the technology of the month because last year I was nominated and I got a medal. I was happy and I was proud of my hard work that I accomplish. This year I am planing to win another technology of the month medal. To win a technology medal you have to do reading plus then you win.and in your graduation you get medal's of the technlogy of the month. This is why I take this picture.
I have a baby cousin. The reason I took my picture of my status update on the wall were the pictures of the class is because I want people to know that I have a baby cousin. She is 8 days old. I think I have not seen her yet. I am probaly gonna go see her this week. My sister went she didn’t want to take me but that’s ok because she takes me to a lot of places .I mean a lot hopefully she’s gonna take me this week and that’s why I took a picture on my status update.
Believe it or not I took this picture because I love to see people recycle I know the picture is not real people but it’s true you could recycle. In this picture you can see a forest and the children recycling the children are doing the right thing . I have to tell you how the children are doing the right thing they are helping the animals by cleaning the habitat and know the habitat is as green as the Grinch . that is why I took this picture